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Rekordy 1 - 99 z 516 (maksymalna ilość wyświetlonych i sortowanych rekordów to 6000) | ||
# | Autor | Tytuł | Rok wyd. | Lokalizacja [?] | Artykuł w: | Pełny tekst | |
1 | Feynman, Richard Phillips (1918-1988). Autor | Elektrodynamika kwantowa QED : Feynmana wykłady / Richard Paul Feynman ; redaktor : Izabela Mika ; tłumacz: Małgorzata Dąbkowska-Kowalik i Witold Sikorski. | 2023 | BWF( 2/ 0) |
2 | Sokołowski, Leszek M. (1948- ). Autor | Elementy szczególnej teorii względności / Leszek M. Sokołowski. | 2023 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
3 | Burgess, Cliff Peter (1957- ). Autor | Introduction to effective field theory : thinking effectively about hierarchies of scale / C. P. Burgess. | 2021 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
4 | Griffiths, David Jeffrey (1942- ). Autor | Wstęp do mechaniki kwantowej / David J. Griffiths, Darrell F. Schroeter ; tłumacz: Piotr Fabijańczyk na zlecenie WITKOM, Witold Sikorski. | 2021 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
5 | Odenwald, Sten F. (1952- ). Autor | Fizyka kwantowa w pigułce / Sten Odenwald ; tłumacz: WITKOM - Witold Sikorski. | 2021 | BWF( 2/ 0) BIC( 1/ 0) |
6 | Ashida, Yuto. Autor | Quantum many-body physics in open systems : measurment and strong correlations / Yuto Ashida. | 2020 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
7 | Bernhardt, Chris. Autor | Obliczenia kwantowe dla każdego / Chris Bernhardt ; przekład Tomasz Lewandowski na zlecenie WITKOM Witold Sikorski. | 2020 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 1/ 0) BIC( 3/ 0) |
8 | Coleman, Sidney (1937-2007). Autor | Quantum field theory : lectures of Sidney Coleman / Foreword by David Kaiser ; Editors Bryan Gin-ge Chen, David Derbes, David Griffiths, Brian Hill, Richard Sohn, Yuan-Sen Ting. | 2019 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
9 | Kramers, Hendrik Anthony (1894-1952). Autor | Quantum mechanics / by H. A. Kramers ; translated by D. ter Haar. | 2019 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
10 | Sokołowski, Leszek M. (1948- ). Autor | Szczególna teoria względności : notatki z wykładu / Leszek M. Sokołowski ; w pracach nad powstaniem skryptu uczestniczyli Adam Cieślik, Mateusz Kmieć, Tomasz Kopeć, Mikołaj Pietrzyński, | 2019 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 1/ 0) |
11 | Griffiths, David Jeffrey (1942- ). Autor | Introduction to quantum mechanics / David J. Griffiths and Darrell F. Schroeter. | 2018 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
12 | Sakurai, Jun John (1933-1982). Autor | Modern quantum mechanics / J. J. Sakurai, Jim J. Napolitano. | 2018 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
13 | Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021). Autor | Lectures on quantum mechanics / Steven Weinberg. | 2018 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
14 | Wichmann, Eyvind Hugo (1928- ). Autor | Quantum physics : in SI units / Eyvind H. Wichmann. | 2018 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
15 | Abrikosov, Aleksej Alekseevič (1928-2017). Autor | Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics / A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gorkov, I. E. Dzyaloshinski ; translated and edited by Richard A. Silverman. | 2017 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
16 | Griffiths, David Jeffrey (1942- ).. | Introduction to quantum mechanics / David J. Griffiths. | 2017 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
17 | Miranskij, Vladimir Adol’fovič. | Dynamical symmetry breaking in quantum field theories / V. A. Miransky. | 2017 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
18 | Manoukian, Edward B. | Quantum field theory. 2, Introductions to quantum gravity, supersymmetry and string theory / Edouard B. Manoukian. | 2016 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
19 | Manoukian, Edward B. | Quantum field theory. 1, Foundations and abelian and non-abelian gauge theories / Edouard B. Manoukian. | 2016 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
20 | Scott, Robert B. (1965- ).. | A student’s manual for a first course in general relativity / Robert B. Scott. | 2016 | BWF( 2/ 1) |
21 | Coleman, Piers (1958- ).. | Introduction to many-body physics / Piers Coleman. | 2015 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
22 | Schutz, Bernard F. (1946- ). Autor | A first course in general relativity / Bernard F. Schutz. | 2015 | BWF( 2/ 1) |
23 | Gourgoulhon, Eric. | Special relativity in general frames : from particles to astrophysics / Eric Gourgoulhon. | 2013 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
24 | Maggiore, Michele. | A modern introduction to quantum field theory / Michele Maggiore. | 2013 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
25 | Quantum gases : finite temperature and non-equilibrium dynamics / ed. Nick Proukakis [et al.]. | 2013 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
26 | Radovanović, Voja. | Kwantowa teoria pola w zadaniach / Voja Radovanović ; z jęz. ang. tł. Piotr Rączka. | 2013 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 1/ 0) |
27 | Strocchi, Franco. | An introduction to non-perturbative foundations of quantum field theory / Franco Strocchi. | 2013 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
28 | Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021).. | Teoria pól kwantowych. [3], Supersymetria / Steven Weinberg ; z ang. przeł. Piotr Chankowski. | 2013 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
29 | Landau, Lev Davidovič (1908-1968).. | Mechanika kwantowa : teoria nierelatywistyczna / Lew D. Landau, Jewgienij M. Lifszic ; z jęz. ros. tł. Ludwik Dobrzyński, Andrzej Pindor. | 2012 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 1/ 0) BIC( 1/ 0) |
30 | Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021).. | Teoria pól kwantowych. 2, Nowoczesne zastosowania / Steven Weinberg ; z ang. przeł. Lech Szymanowski. | 2012 | BWF( 1/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
31 | Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021).. | Teoria pól kwantowych. 1, Podstawy / Steven Weinberg ; z ang. przeł. Danuta Rzążewska. | 2012 | BWF( 1/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
32 | Asada, Hideki. | Equations of motion in general relativity / H. Asada, T. Futamase, P. A. Hogan. | 2011 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
33 | Giachetta, Giovanni. | Geometric formulation of classical and quantum mechanics / Giovanni Giachetta, Luigi Mangiarotti, Gennadi Sardanashvily. | 2011 | BWF( 1/ 0) BIM( 1/ 0) |
34 | Landau, Lev Davidovič (1908-1968).. | Fizyka statystyczna. Cz. 1 / Lew D. Landau, Jewgienij M. Lifszyc ; z jęz. ros. tł. Krzysztof Rejmer. | 2011 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 2/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) BIM( 1/ 0) |
35 | Lifšic, Evgenij Mihajlovič (1915-1985).. | Fizyka statystyczna. Cz. 2 Teoria materii skondensowanej / Jewgienij M. Lifszyc, Lew P. Pitajewski ; z jęz. ros. tł. Krzysztof Rejmer. | 2011 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 2/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) BIM( 1/ 0) |
36 | Pabjan, Tadeusz (1972- ).. | Eksperymentalna metafizyka : Johna S. Bella filozofia mechaniki kwantowej / Tadeusz Pabjan ; Copernicus Center Press. | 2011 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 1/ 0) |
37 | Hartle, James B. | Grawitacja : wprowadzenie do ogólnej teorii względności Einsteina / James B. Hartle ; przeł. Piotr Amsterdamski. | 2010 | BWF( 3/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
38 | Krapivsky, Pavel L. | A kinetic view of statistical physics / Pavel L. Krapivsky, Sidney Redner, Eli Ben-Naim. | 2010 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
39 | Nagourney, Warren G. | Quantum electronics for atomic physics / Warren Nagourney. | 2010 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
40 | Landau, David P. (1941- ).. | A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics / David P. Landau and Kurt Binder. | 2009 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
41 | Landau, Lev Davidovič (1908-1968).. | Teoria pola / Lew D. Landau, Jewgienij M. Lifszyc ; z jęz. ros. tł. Stanisław Bażański. | 2009 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 3/ 0) |
42 | Zeidler, Eberhard (1940-2016). Autor | Quantum field theory. 2, Quantum electrodynamics : a bridge between mathematicians and physicists / Eberhard Zeidler. | 2009 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
43 | Zeidler, Eberhard (1940-2016). Autor | Quantum field theory. 1, Basics in mathematics and physics : a bridge between mathematicians and physicists / Eberhard Zeidler. | 2009 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
44 | Radovanović, Voja. | Kwantowa teoria pola w zadaniach / Voja Radovanović ; z jęz. ang. tł. Piotr Rączka. | 2008 | BWF( 4/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) BIC( 1/ 0) |
45 | Wen, Xiao-Gang. | Quantum field theory of many-body systems : from the origin of sound to an origin of light and electrons / Xiao-Gang Wen. | 2008 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
46 | Fujita, Takehisa. | Symmetry and its breaking in quantum field theory / Takehisa Fujita. | 2007 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
47 | Hayward, David Oldham. | Mechanika kwantowa dla chemików / David O. Hayward ; z jęz. ang. tł.: Agata Jurkiewicz. | 2007 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 1/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) BIC( 5/ 0) |
48 | Shankar, Ramamurti. | Mechanika kwantowa / Ramamurti Shankar ; z jęz. ang. tł. Mirosław Łukaszewski. | 2007 | BG( 2/ 0) BWF( 1/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
49 | Huang, Kerson (1928-2016).. | Podstawy fizyki statystycznej / Kerson Huang ; z jęz. ang. tł. Magdalena Załuska-Kotur. | 2006 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 4/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) BIC( 4/ 0) |
50 | Levi, Anthony Frederic John (1959- ).. | Applied quantum mechanics / A. F. J. Levi. | 2006 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
51 | Shankar, Ramamurti. | Mechanika kwantowa / Ramamurti Shankar ; z jęz. ang. tł. Mirosław Łukaszewski. | 2006 | BWF( 3/ 0) BIC( 1/ 0) |
52 | Tsvelik, Alexei M. | Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics / Alexei M. Tsvelik. | 2006 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
53 | Vachaspati, Tanmay. | Kinks and domain walls : an introduction to classical and quantum solitons / Tanmay Vachaspati. | 2006 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
54 | Gu, Chaohao. | Darboux transformations in integrable systems : theory and their applications to geometry / by Chaohao Gu, Hesheng Hu and Zixiang Zhou. | 2005 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
55 | Itzykson, Claude. | Quantum field theory / Claude Itzykson and Jean-Bernard Zuber. | 2005 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
56 | Theodor von Grotthuss 1785-1822 : bibliography / [comp. by Jadvyga Kulikauskienė] ; Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, Theodor Grotthuss Foundation. | 2005 | BG( 1/ 0) |
57 | Schweber, Silvan S. (1928-2017).. | An introduction to relativistic quantum field theory / Silvan S. Schweber ; forew. by Hans A. Bethe. | 2005 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
58 | Šnir, Âkov Mihajlovič. | Magnetic monopoles / Yakov M. Shnir. | 2005 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
59 | Carroll, Sean M. (1966- ).. | Spacetime and geometry : an introduction to general relativity / Sean Carroll. | 2004 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
60 | Hirvensalo, Mika (1972- ).. | Algorytmy kwantowe / Mika Hirvensalo ; tł. Paweł Zabierowski. | 2004 | BWF( 2/ 1) WIL( 1/ 0) |
61 | Mackey, George Whitelaw (1916-2006).. | Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics / George W. Mackey. | 2004 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
62 | Meijer, Paul Herman Ernst (1921- ). Autor | Group theory : the application to quantum mechanics / Paul H. E. Meijer, Edmond Bauer. | 2004 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
63 | Poisson, Eric (1965- ).. | A relativist’s toolkit : the mathematics of black-hole mechanics / Eric Poisson. | 2004 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
64 | Hartle, James B. | Gravity : an introduction to Einstein’s general relativity / James B. Hartle. | 2003 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
65 | Hey, Anthony J. G. | The new quantum universe / Tony Hey, Patrick Walters. | 2003 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
66 | Kivšar’, Ûrij Semenovič (1959- ).. | Optical solitons : from fibers to photonic crystals / Yuri S. Kivshar, Govind P. Agrawal. | 2003 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
67 | Komarova, T. K. | Maskevič Sergej Aleksandrovič professor : bibliografičeskoe obozrenie naučno-pedagogičeskoj deâtel’nosti / [sost. T. K. Komarova, N. D. Strekal’] ; Ministerstvo obrazovaniâ Respubliki Belar | 2003 | BG( 1/ 0) |
68 | Kraśkiewicz, Jerzy. | Elementy klasycznej i kwantowej teorii pola / Jerzy Kraśkiewicz. | 2003 | BWF( 1/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
69 | Probing the structure of quantum mechanics : nonlinearity, nonlocality, computation, axiomatics / editors : Diederik Aerts, Marek Czachor, Thomas Durt. | 2002 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
70 | Elbaz, Edgard (1937- ).. | Kwanty. T. 2, Algebra momentu pędu oraz kwantowa teoria cząstek, pól i kosmologii / Edgard Elbaz. | 2002 | BWF( 2/ 0) |
71 | Elbaz, Edgard (1937- ).. | Kwanty. T. 1, Podstawy nierelatywistycznej mechaniki kwantowej / Edgard Elbaz. | 2002 | BWF( 2/ 0) |
72 | Meissner, Krzysztof Antoni (1961- ).. | Klasyczna teoria pola / Krzysztof A. Meissner. | 2002 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 4/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) BIC( 1/ 0) |
73 | Rogers, C. (1940- ).. | Bäcklund and Darboux transformations : geometry and modern applications in soliton theory / C. Rogers, W. K. Schief. | 2002 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
74 | Schutz, Bernard F. (1946- ).. | Wstęp do ogólnej teorii względności / Bernard F. Schutz ; tł. z jęz. ang. Wojciech Kopczyński. | 2002 | BG( 3/ 0) BWF( 2/ 0) |
75 | Taylor, Philip Liddon (1937- ).. | A quantum approach to condensed matter physics / Philip L. Taylor, Olle Heinonen. | 2002 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
76 | Atkinson, David. Autor | Quantum mechanics : a self-contained course. Vol. 1 / David Atkinson, Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou. | 2001 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
77 | Auletta, Gennaro (1957- ).. | Foundations and interpretation of quantum mechanics : in the light of a critical-historical analysis of the problems and of a synthesis of the results / Gennaro Auletta ; with a forew. by Giorgio | 2001 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
78 | Belinski, Vladimir (1941- ).. | Gravitational solitons / V. Belinski, E. Verdaguer. | 2001 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
79 | Białynicki-Birula, Iwo (1933- ).. | Teoria kwantów : mechanika falowa / Iwo Białynicki-Birula, Marek Cieplak, Jerzy Kamiński. | 2001 | BG( 1/ 0) BWF( 3/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) BIC( 1/ 0) |
80 | Borne, Thomas. Autor | Nonperturbative quantum field theory and structure of matter / by Thomas Borne, Georges Lochak and Harald Stumpf. | 2001 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
81 | Fayer, Michael D. | Elements of quantum mechanics / Michael D. Fayer. | 2001 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
82 | Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021).. | Teoria pól kwantowych. [3], Supersymetria / Steven Weinberg ; z ang. przeł. Piotr Chankowski ; [red. Małgorzata Kopczyńska]. | 2001 | BWF( 2/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
83 | Yang, Yisong. | Solitons in field theory and nonlinear analysis / Yisong Yang. | 2001 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
84 | Rauch, Helmut (1939- ). Autor | Neutron interferometry : lessons in experimental quantum mechanics / Helmut Rauch and Samuel A. Werner. | 2000 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
85 | Coleman, Sidney (1937-2007).. | Aspects of symmetry : selected Erice lectures of Sidney Coleman. | 1999 | BWF( 1/ 1) |
86 | Ludvigsen, Malcolm (1946- ).. | General relativity : a geometric approach / Malcolm Ludvigsen. | 1999 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
87 | Selleri, Franco (1936- ). Autor | Wielkie spory w fizyce kwantowej / Franco Selleri ; redaktor naukowy Bogdan Lange ; tłumaczenie Bogdan Lange. | 1999 | BWF( 1/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
88 | Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021).. | Teoria pól kwantowych. [2], Nowoczesne zastosowania / Steven Weinberg ; z ang. przeł. Lech Szymanowski. | 1999 | BWF( 2/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
89 | Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021).. | Teoria pól kwantowych. 1, Podstawy / Steven Weinberg ; z ang. przeł. Danuta Rzążewska. | 1999 | BWF( 3/ 0) BWF2( 1/ 0) |
90 | Baker, Gregory L. | Wstęp do dynamiki układów chaotycznych / Gregory L. Baker, Jerry P. Gollub ; z jęz. ang. tł. Krzysztof Stefański. | 1998 | BG( 3/ 0) BWF( 3/ 1) BIM( 1/ 0) BIM2( 1/ 0) |
91 | Irreversibility and causality : semigroups and rigged Hilbert spaces : a selection of articles presented at the 21st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (ICGTMP) at Go | 1998 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
92 | Frisch, Uriel (1940- ). Autor | Turbulentnostʹ : nasledie A. N. Kolmogorova / U.Friš ; perevod s anglijskogo A. N. Sobolevskogo ; pod redakciej M. L. Blanka. | 1998 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
93 | Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976). Autor | The physical principles of the quantum theory / Werner Heisenberg ; translated by Carl Eckart and Frank C. Hoyt. | 1998 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
94 | Kac, Victor G. (1943- ).. | Vartex algebras for beginners / Victor Kac. | 1998 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
95 | Kosiński, Robert. | Wprowadzenie do mechaniki kwantowej i fizyki statystycznej / Robert Kosiński. | 1998 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
96 | Merzbacher, Eugen. | Quantum mechanics / Eugen Merzbacher. | 1998 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
97 | Perelomov, Askol’d Mihajlovič (1935- ).. | Quantum mechanics : selected topics / Askold M. Perelomov, Yakov B. Zel’dovich. | 1998 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
98 | Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics (14 ; 1995 ; Białowieża). | Quantization, coherent states, and poisson structures : proceedings of the XIV Workshop on Geometric Metods [i.e. Methods] in Physics , Białowieża, July 9-15, 1995 / ed. by A. Strasburger [et al | 1998 | BWF( 2/ 0) |
99 | Drexel Symposium on Quantum Nonintegrability (4 ; 1994). | Quantum classical correspondence : proceedings of the 4th Drexel Symposium on Quantum Nonintegrability, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA September 8-11, 1994 / edited by Da Hsuan Feng, Bei Lok | 1997 | BWF( 1/ 0) |
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